Forest Fire Detection and Segmentation using YOLOv7

Forest Fire Detection and Segmentation using YOLOv7
- Python3 is installed on your Linux/Windows System.
- Git needs to be installed on your Linux/Windows System.
Wildfires are one of the costliest and deadliest natural disasters, causing damage to millions of hectares of forest resources. The rapidly evolving field of computer vision can help reduce or let know some necessary and urgent steps using state-of-the-art algorithms.
So, let's start; the steps this article covers are mentioned below.
- Clone YOLOv7 Segmentation code from GitHub.
- Install the packages that need to run YOLOv7 Segmentation.
- Download YOLOv7 Segmentation weights for Segmentation and fine-tuning
- Segmentation of Cars with Pre-trained weights
- Dataset Info (More precise)
- Setup Dataset folder
- Creation of Configuration file
- Start Training
- Fire Detection and Segmentation with Custom weights
Clone YOLOv7 Segmentation code from GitHub.
Create a folder named "YOLOv7-segmentation". Open the terminal/ (Command Prompt) in that folder. Clone the YOLOv7 segmentation repository with the command mentioned below.

I moved to the cloned folder and upgraded pip using the below command.

Install the packages that need to run the YOLOv7 Segmentation
Now, it's time to install python packages that will help you to blur detected objects easily on your system. Use the command mentioned below to install packages.

Download YOLOv7 Segmentation weights for Segmentation and fine-tuning
It's time to download YOLOv7 segmentation weights, which will help you segment objects in the video stream and can also be used for fine-tuning custom data.
Weights Download link: HERE
Segmentation of Cars with Pre-trained weights
Now you have installed requirements. It is time to verify that the packages are working fine by segmenting cars with pre-trained weights. You can use any video or image, whatever you want.

The output will look as shown below;

Dataset Info (More Precise)
The dataset has been taken from Roboflow and labeled by our team in segmentation format by following the link below.
Train YOLOv7 Segmentation on Custom Data!
If you are interested in getting a dataset, contact the Cameralyze team. Otherwise, you can take data from Roboflow by following mentioned link below.
Setup Dataset Folder
Once you have the dataset, create a folder named "smoke-segmentation" inside {yolov7-segmentation/data} folder by following the shown structure below.

Creation of Configuration File
Create a file having the filename "fire. YAML" inside the "yolov7-segmentation/data" folder. Paste the shown lines below in that file.

Start Training
All your pre-processing and configuration steps are completed. Now you can run the command shown below in (terminal/command prompt) to start training on personal protective equipment data.

Note: Ensure your terminal path is set to the "YOLOv7-segmentation/yolov7-segmentation" folder.
Fire Detection and Segmentation with Custom weights
Once training finishes, you can run the show command below to detect and segment fire. For testing, you can use any video you want.

Results Directory: [YOLOv7-segmentation/yolov7-segmentation/runs/predict/exp/]
Check Out Output Video