How to Upload a Video or Image to Run In the Application?

How to Upload a Video or Image to Run In the Application?

This article will explain how to upload the data you would like to process on the platform.
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2 minutes

How to upload a video or image to run in the Application?

Our previous product article talked about how to create an application from scratch. In this product article, we will guide you on how you can upload videos or images to the platform.

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There are two different ways to upload images or videos to the platform. Today we will be talking about both.

  1. Data Management / Files

There are platform features on the left side of the screen: Applications and Data Management. To manage your data and to provide data flow to the application you will create, you can click Files in Data Management as the first option.

  1. Create Folder - Upload File Options

If you are going through only one application and one image, you can click the "upload file" option to upload a single image instead of creating a folder.

If you use these images or videos for multiple images and different applications, the Create Folder option will be better for you.

You can name the folder you will create as you wish. Suppose you want to save your application results to a folder.

In that case, you can easily find your results by opening another folder called "Output" in the folder where you uploaded the image or video.

Upload your files or create a folder while you are building the app

You've started building the application but haven't uploaded an image or video yet. You do not need to leave the application builder screen to upload images or videos.

As seen in the image above, the first step in creating an application is to choose the Trigger Method, that is, to select the place where you will provide the data flow to the application. Here you can choose one of the Trigger for a selected folder or Trigger for a file option. When you click on the Trigger For Selected Folder option, you will see a screen like an example image below.

As in the Data Management section, you have the opportunity to upload any file you want in this section.

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