Is AI Ethic?: Ethical Concerns About AI Development

Is AI Ethic?: Ethical Concerns About AI Development

Let's take a closer look at the significant issues that have people worried about AI ethics, and discuss the best practices for ensuring ethics are upheld when AI is used in the workplace.
Halime Yilmaz
5 minutes

Is AI Ethic?: Ethical Concerns About AI Development

Many people think AI is a great technology that can change the world. Many of the devices we use daily probably have AI integrated into them. 

People start to think about the ethical issues behind making technologies that are so powerful and could affect people's lives instead of how well they work. So, it makes sense to think about what we want these systems to do and to deal with ethical questions now to build these systems with the good of all people in mind.

As technology grows and governments try to catch up to it in structure and laws, AI ethics has become an important issue that everyone should be aware of. 

Let's take a closer look at the significant issues that have people worried about AI ethics, and discuss the best practices for ensuring ethics are upheld when AI is used in the workplace.

So, what is AI ethics, and how to use AI ethically?

What is AI Ethics?

AI ethics is a set of moral rules that guide the development and use of artificial intelligence technologies. Because AI can do things that generally require human intelligence, it needs moral rules like humans. Without ethical AI regulations, there is a high chance that this technology will be used to do wrong.

Healthcare, retail, customer service, finance, social media, and transportation are some industries that use AI a lot. You can visit  Cameralyze Blog for detailed information on how you can use cutting-edge AI technologies for your business. AI technology affects every part of the world because it is becoming more valuable in many fields. Because of this, it needs to be regulated.

Different levels of governance are needed depending on the industry and situation in which AI is used. A robot vacuum cleaner that uses AI to figure out a home's floor plan is not likely to make a big difference in the world unless it is based on a code of ethics. If ethical rules aren't implemented, a self-driving car that needs to recognize pedestrians or an algorithm that determines who is most likely to get a loan can and will significantly affect society. 

By looking at examples of ethical AI and thinking about the best ways to use AI ethically, you can ensure your organization is on the right path to using AI.

Ethics Issues of AI

Different people have different ideas about AI ethics, but in general, it is a broad set of things to think about when making responsible AI. These things include safety, security, human concerns, and the environment. Some issues of the ethics of AI are:

Ethics Issues of AI

AI Bias

Learning from the data they are given, so badly made AIs can and do show bias against poorly represented parts of the data. Though AI is increasingly being relied upon to execute more complex jobs, it is essential to remember that people first developed and refined the technology. And naturally, people are biased. For instance, if a group of data scientists who are disproportionately white men gather data on other people who are white men, the AI they create may reflect those same prejudices.

However, that is not the primary cause of bias in AI systems. To be more precise, it is more typical for the data used to train AI algorithms to be biased. Think about the case of only collecting data from the statistical majority. This would lead to skewed results, no matter what.

Recent work at Georgia Tech on figuring out how to find objects in self-driving cars is an excellent example of this trend. According to studies, pedestrians of color face a 5% higher risk of being struck by a moving vehicle than those with lighter skin tones. The researchers traced the bias back to the data used to train the AI model, finding that there were almost 3.5 times as many instances of people with lighter skin in the dataset when dealing with something as potentially lethal as self-driving vehicles striking humans, even a seemingly slight variation might have catastrophic results.

The good thing about AI and ML models is that they can change the dataset they are trained on, and with enough work, they can become entirely impartial. On the other hand, it is impractical to trust many individuals to make judgments without prejudice.

To learn more about the difference between AI and ML, check our article: A Complete Guide to Data Science, AI, and ML.

AI and Environment 

The AI models get more significant daily, and some of the most recent ones have more than a trillion parameters each. Training these big models takes a lot of energy, making AI a big resource consumer. Researchers are working on making AIs that use less energy and still do their jobs well.

To learn more about how AI affects our planet, read our article: How To Fight Climate Change Using AI and Computer Vision, which discusses how AI and computer vision can help with the climate crisis and provides some AI and computer vision applications against global warming.

AI Impacts On Human Behaviours And Interaction

The ability of AI bots to mimic human interaction and dialogue is improving rapidly. The first ever Turing Award was given to a bot called Eugene Goostman in 2015. Person raters engaged in a text-based conversation with an unknown entity and then attempted to determine whether or not they had been conversing with a human or a computer. Half or more of the human raters thought they had been talking to a natural person after speaking with Eugene Goostman.

This is only the beginning of a new era in which computers will increasingly be treated as if they were people in service roles such as customer support and sales. Robots, unlike humans, have practically limitless time and energy to devote to getting to know and caring about others.

Many of us may not realize it, yet we have seen firsthand how computers may activate our brain's pleasure regions. You need only consider the prevalence of clickbait in both media and gaming. A/B testing, a primitive type of algorithmic optimization for content, is common practice when crafting these attention-grabbing headlines. Many popular video and mobile games employ this and other techniques to make them hard to put down. Human reliance has reached a new height with the rise of technology.

On the other hand, maybe we can find another use for software that is efficient in focusing people's attention and initiating specific behaviors. In the right hands, this has the potential to become a tool for encouraging people to adopt healthier lifestyles.

AI and Security & Privacy

AI needs information to learn. A big chunk of this data comes from the users themselves, and not all users know what information is being collected about them and how it is used to make decisions that affect them. Even now, users' internet searches, online purchases, and comments on social media can all be used to track, identify, and customize their experiences. This can be good, like when an AI suggests a product a user might want, but it can also lead to biases you didn't expect, such as some offers being provided to some consumers and not others.

On the other hand, automated face-blurring software like Cameralyze identifies and blurs human faces in videos or photos using deep learning techniques such as face detection and face recognition. Automatic blur programs identify a personal identifier and generate a synthetic replacement, replicating the original's qualities. Thus, the technology protects identities while keeping data for analytics and machine learning. See how this technology works.

To learn more about data privacy using artificial intelligence, read our article: Automated Human Face Blurring for Privacy.


The automation of tasks is of primary significance to the hierarchy of labor. As we've developed methods to automate tasks, we've freed space for humans to take on more complicated duties, shifting from the manual work that dominated the pre-industrial world to the mental exertion that defines the strategic and administrative functions of today's international economy.

Think about the trucking business, which is a way for millions of Americans to make a living today. People are worried about what will happen to truck drivers if Elon Musk's Tesla-made self-driving cars become widely available in the next ten years. On the other hand, self-driving trucks seem like the moral thing to do when we factor in the reduced chance of accidents. Similarly, most working people in wealthy countries can be in the same situation.

The Ethical Use of AI

It's natural to question how to reduce risk while introducing AI into your business, given all the difficulties the technology might cause. There are, thankfully, guidelines on how to use AI in a way that doesn't violate ethical standards in the workplace.

AI Ethics Education And Awareness

The first step is to learn as much as possible about artificial intelligence (AI) and the opportunities, risks, and constraints it faces. Rather than frighten people away from AI or dismiss the possibility of unethical usage, it is preferable to ensure that everyone knows the dangers and how to avoid them.

The next stage is establishing a code of ethics that everyone in your company must follow. Finally, it is essential to check in periodically to ensure that objectives are being fulfilled and protocols followed since AI ethics is hard to measure.

Put Human First While Using AI

Putting people first requires avoiding prejudice. To start, check for bias in your data. For the second, try to include everyone. About 64% of software developers are male, and 62% are white from the United States.

The individuals are creating the algorithms that determine how our society functions may not be representative of its whole range of people and perspectives. To ensure the AI you build accurately represents the environment it was designed for, you should take an inclusive approach to recruit and grow the diversity of teams working on AI technology.

Ethical Considerations in AI

Protecting Users' Privacy And Data In All Applications of AI

Education of users or customers on how their data is maintained, what it is used for, and the advantages they gain from providing that data is essential when AI is engaged in data collection or storage. Having this kind of transparency is crucial to earning the confidence of your customers. In this light, following an ethical AI framework is more likely to boost public opinion of your company than to result in regulatory punishment.

Cameralyze is the first no-code AI platform that offers computer vision solutions such as facial emotion recognition, face blurring, content moderation, and many more!

This means that software developers and business people can quickly design and launch AI applications and workflows based on vision. 

Cameralyze gives you the fastest way to turn your image, video, and live stream data into actionable insights. It also helps you save time and work more efficiently by automating your data with a no-code Visual Intelligence Platform.

While doing all this hard work, Cameralyze also takes care of your concerns about privacy by running vision systems that don't store or send the image or video data. It helps you follow all the rules by giving you the option to add the most advanced technology to your system. This is important because privacy rules around the world are constantly changing.

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